Thursday, May 1, 2014

The Magic - by Rhonda Byrne

The Magic - By Rhonda Byrne

Two days ago my girlfriend suggested that I read The Magic - By Rhonda Byrne and she even offered me to use her Amazon Prime account so that i could receive it immediately because she was starting to see great things in her life -- and she isnt even finished with the book yet.  Since we are both practicing the Law of Attraction I decided why not order it.  I actually liked Rhonda Byrne's audiobook of The Power so it was natural for me to be curious about The Magic.

So it came in the mail today and it had a few introductory chapters and then explains that the remainder of the book should be read over 28 days.  So I read day one and the day one assignment was to write down 10 things that you currently have that you are grateful for and the reason why you are grateful for it. So, in an effort to have some accountability, I wanted to share my day 1 assignment with you all.

Day 1 - May 1, 2014

Today I am grateful for:

1) My life - because without life - I would not be here.
2) I am grateful that my friend suggested I purchase this book - The Magic  - because it will allow me to have a deeper connection to GOD by teaching me how to show my gratitude.
3) I am blessed to have a wonderful husband who is always concerned about my safety and comfort.  I am blessed by this because I feel loved.
4) My vision - both physical and non-physical.  I am grateful for physical vision because I have experienced poor vision in the past and I love being able to see the things that GOD created.   I am thankful for non-physical vision because it is GOD leading me down the correct path.
5) I am thankful for being a licensed attorney because it allows me to help people and make money as well.
6) I am thankful for my business because I love being self-employed and helping people.
7) I am thankful for being able to get my car washed today and the oil changed because now my car runs better and looks great.
8) I am thankful that my mom is cancer free because I love my mom and need her in my life.
9) I am thankful that my dad is easy to talk to because I feel like I can talk to him without judgment.
10) I am thankful that my dog ginger is alive because she is a great companion and shows agape non-conditional love. (exactly when I was writing this, she decided to let a fart out, lol - but I still love her)

After you are done writing the things that you are grateful for, you are supposed to read them again and say "thank you, thank you, thank you" and really feel it and mean it.  So this books is going to help me have a better ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE :) 

Do you practice the 11 universal laws of attraction?  Do you believe in the law of attraction?  Have you read The Magic or The Power?  Share your comments below, i'd love to hear from you.

p.s. I'm also thankful for my blog readers!




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