Hey Everybody,
I am continuing on with my Attitude of Gratitude. Today is Day 3 of my reading The Magic.
Today we were to continue on with the 10 things that we were grateful for. So here they are:
Today I am grateful for:
1) A great rest day today - because we all need rest. I was able to sleep in an hour later than normal and spend another hour laying in bed having grateful thoughts.
2) I am grateful for the activity of my limbs because it allows me to move freely.
3) I am thankful for my washer and dryer because I dont have to go to the laundromat.
4) My husband painting my office bathroom - because I started it in November or December and hadnt finished it.
5) A working stove and oven - because it allows me to cook my favorite foods.
6) lasagna I made tonight - because I had a desire for it and GOD ensured that I had the provisions to make it.
7) My health - because we take it for granted while we have it and miss it when its gone.
8) My computer - because it allows me to do my work as well as entertain myself.
9) A grocery store - because I didnt have to slaughter an animal for meat, forage for herbs or grow my vegetables etc.
10) a hot shower - because cold showers are no fun.
In addition to our 10 things, we were supposed to think of 3 people who we have relationships with that we are thankful for. We were supposed to look at their picture at least 3 times a day and say " Thank you _________ (person) for ______ (what you are grateful for)."
So these are my 3 people:
1) My husband - My King

1) Because the man I get to see - no one else gets to see. He allows himself to be vulnerable around me. he is hilarious and fun as well.
2) Because he has always supported my dreams
3) Because he ask me (literally) 10x a day whether there is anything that I need.
4) Because he is the love of my life
5) Because he completes me.
2) My Mom and Dad

1) Because they gave me life
2) Because they supported my dream of being a lawyer
3) Because they showed (and continue to show) me love, shelter & discipline
4) Because they're just awesome
5) Because they have always been there for me.
3) My Best Friend
1) Because she is the most loving and compassionate friend
2) Because she always knows what to say
3) Because she is GOOGLE
4) Because she is "my person" (if you watch Greys Anatomy - then you'll get this)
5) Because even though we are 3000 miles apart, she makes sure it doesn't feel like it.
I tell you I am just feeling like a big ball of love after this exercise.... Thinking about these people and how I love them, just brings me joy.
Are you reading The Magic? if not, what are you waiting on? lol
Have a magical night, and a magical day tomorrow! I know I will.
love ya,
I am continuing on with my Attitude of Gratitude. Today is Day 3 of my reading The Magic.
Today we were to continue on with the 10 things that we were grateful for. So here they are:
Today I am grateful for:
1) A great rest day today - because we all need rest. I was able to sleep in an hour later than normal and spend another hour laying in bed having grateful thoughts.
2) I am grateful for the activity of my limbs because it allows me to move freely.
3) I am thankful for my washer and dryer because I dont have to go to the laundromat.
4) My husband painting my office bathroom - because I started it in November or December and hadnt finished it.
5) A working stove and oven - because it allows me to cook my favorite foods.
6) lasagna I made tonight - because I had a desire for it and GOD ensured that I had the provisions to make it.
7) My health - because we take it for granted while we have it and miss it when its gone.
8) My computer - because it allows me to do my work as well as entertain myself.
9) A grocery store - because I didnt have to slaughter an animal for meat, forage for herbs or grow my vegetables etc.
10) a hot shower - because cold showers are no fun.
In addition to our 10 things, we were supposed to think of 3 people who we have relationships with that we are thankful for. We were supposed to look at their picture at least 3 times a day and say " Thank you _________ (person) for ______ (what you are grateful for)."
So these are my 3 people:
1) My husband - My King
1) Because the man I get to see - no one else gets to see. He allows himself to be vulnerable around me. he is hilarious and fun as well.
2) Because he has always supported my dreams
3) Because he ask me (literally) 10x a day whether there is anything that I need.
4) Because he is the love of my life
5) Because he completes me.
2) My Mom and Dad
1) Because they gave me life
2) Because they supported my dream of being a lawyer
3) Because they showed (and continue to show) me love, shelter & discipline
4) Because they're just awesome
5) Because they have always been there for me.
3) My Best Friend
1) Because she is the most loving and compassionate friend
2) Because she always knows what to say
3) Because she is GOOGLE
4) Because she is "my person" (if you watch Greys Anatomy - then you'll get this)
5) Because even though we are 3000 miles apart, she makes sure it doesn't feel like it.
I tell you I am just feeling like a big ball of love after this exercise.... Thinking about these people and how I love them, just brings me joy.
Are you reading The Magic? if not, what are you waiting on? lol
Have a magical night, and a magical day tomorrow! I know I will.
love ya,
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