Monday, November 12, 2012

DIY Petroleum free jelly aka body jelly

Petroleum is not good for us and Dr. Oz says that it can cause cancer...BUT there are so many wonderful uses for I decided to create my own version of petroleum free jelly.

1/4 cup of beeswax (I ordered my beeswax on Amazon)
1 cup of carrier oil (or combination of oils: ex...coconut, almond, jojoba, olive, avocado, apricot, vitamin E oil etc.)
essential oil - if you desire - I didnt use any on mine.

So here's how to do it....

First, gather all of your ingredients.

My beeswax was in a big block and was VERY HARD to cut, so I ended up using my potato/apple peeler to just shave what I needed.... If you can find the beeswax pellets, the extra cost is worth the trouble...believe me

I threw my beeswax and my carrier oils (almond, apricot and coconut oil, with a lil vitamin E oil) into a metal bowl that I would be placing over a pot of shallow boiling water (dont want the water to be high enough to boil out of the pot and into your oils).  I turned the heat on low and let the oils melt into each other - approximately 1 minute...maybe less.  Be VERY CAREFUL to ensure that your oils dont burn.  I watched the oil the whole time, so that I pulled it off the heat just as it was finished melting.

Then you can either wait for the oil to harden up a bit....takes approximately 30 minutes, or you can throw it in the deep freezer for 4 minutes.  Any longer than 5 minutes and your creation will be h.a.r.d!

There you have it.  Your petroleum free vaseline jelly.  I wanted to re-create the Carol's Daughter Body Jelly (because its too expensive), and I actually like my end creation, makes my hand so smooth.

I hate the smell of the Carol's daughter body jelly, so I always added an essential oil to it to make it smell a little better, perhaps if she recreated the Tui hair oil smell, then I would be a prisoner of carols daughter body jelly, but NOPE, this is wayyyyyyy cheaper and you can make bigger batches for all of your family members. I didnt add any essential oils to my petroleum-free jelly, but you can certainly add a few drops of your favorite.  I believe that lavender, vanilla or some citrus combination would be good) 

If you like your petroleum-free jelly to be harder, then add more beeswax.

This would also be awesome as a chapstick/lip balm type of thingy, if you have a smaller container that can fit in your purse.


  1. I'm going to try your recipe instructions. Thank you so much for posting. :)
