Wednesday, January 30, 2013

American Airlines (one world alliance) mileage to Africa

SO, I thought that I would check out my mileage balances and how much it would cost me to fly to Africa using my miles with American Airlines....

Turns out, I have enough mileage to cover a round trip ticket for myself...and then they tack on $700 in

Where they do that at?

Thats almost the cost of a ticket by itself, sheesh.  I dont think that I will be using that option.


Planning my 1st trip to AFRICA

I am beginning to plan my first trip to Africa

But there are so many different factors involved, and I really dont know where to start...(mind you when it comes to this type of stuff, I have ADD with literally 10 different web pages open)

I have visited Saint Lucia, Jamaica, Costa Rica, Bahamas, St. Maarten etc..... and I've always figured out the area I wanted to stay, and booked hotel and flight within 2-3 days...easy peasy.  But AFRICA....hmm...where to start.  I DEFINITELY want to see the rich cultural history of where my people were raped, robbed and maimed, to feel a sense of connection to the motherland.  But, I also want to see safaris, beaches etc.

Then I have to decide on what time of year to go, and which area(s) to visit.  I decided that 2014 would be a good time to go, that way I have time to save money, research the places I want to go, etc.  I want to go during a warm non-rainy season.  I think that West Africa would be really good for the cultural experiences (and my husband would really enjoy this area - growing up with his mother, which I secretly call "mother Africa" lol - dont tell on me you guys), however, there doesn't seem to be too many "tours" going into West Africa, they all seem to be in South Africa. 

So whats a girl to do?

Im kinda torn between going on an official tour or just going there and then taking excursions with a tour guide.

And then there's the fact that i'm not a millionaire.  hmmm...why cant i just spend a million dollars stay a few months in Africa and enjoy the dream vacation of a lifetime?  oh, cause im not a millionaire.

I'm into adventure and thrills.  Hubby....not so much so...hes really into culture and history.  So how can i combine the ultimate trip for the 2 of us...perhaps 2 weeks (with the flight being 20+ hours), and a low-mid size budget.

Have you guys been to Africa?  Where did you go?  Where did you stay?  How much did the trip cost you?  Did you use a tour guide? what other tips/suggestions do you have?

ahhhhh Africa...I long to see you,


Thursday, January 3, 2013

My first ever influenster package - the cosmo vox box!

I wanted to share with my readers my initial reactions to my Cosmo Vox Box. 

Please keep in mind that all of the items were received complimentary from  I was not paid to review or use any of the items.

My 1st attempt at freezer cooking

My first attempt at freezer cooking

Hi Everybody in my blogosphere (and welcome to those who came from Pinterest).  I wanted to share with you guys my experiences with my first attempt at freezer cooking.

What exactly is freezer cooking you say?
Freezer cooking is where you prepare (and sometimes pre-cook) your family meals in advance for a specified period of time (ex. 2 weeks or a  month), so that you dont have to cook each night.  You simply take out your frozen dinner item the night before you want to eat it, and then you put the thawed food  in your handy dandy crock pot (shown below) that morning before leaving for work.  Or you can put the thawed food into your oven right before dinner time.  Either way, your not physically preparing and cooking food each day. If your in the market for Cuisinart Slow Cooker (Google Affiliate Ad) just click that link.

So how do you get started with freezer cooking?
Well, you want to come up with a list of different things that your family likes to eat, than can freeze well.  Not everything tastes good after being frozen.  After you come up with your family menu, you want to raid your pantry to see what items you have, and what items you will need to purchase when you go grocery shopping.  If your into couponing, grab your coupons and weekly circulars to see who has the best deals, and then go to the supermarket.  I decided to do my grocery shopping primarily at Winco Foods this month (but I also went to Vons (twice), Vallarta, and the .99 store)  

One of my couponing websites I follow, advised me that K. M. Logan had her book the ABC's of Freezer Cooking available for free for Kindle, and I downloaded it.  (not sure if its still free, but check on Amazon)  Yesterday morning, I read it and decided that I would go on my first freezer cooking venture.

O.k, I have my groceries, what now?
Its all personal preference on which order you want to complete the following tasks, but you'll want to do them all.
1) wash and cut up your vegetables
2) wash and cut up (if needed) your meats
3) bag them 
4) label them (my handwriting sucks, so I printed out all my labels besides the cabbage one)

I looked online for my freezer cooking recipes.  I started on Pinterest, then I went to a few blogs to get majority of the recipes, but here is what I ended up preparing:
1) meatballs (my own recipe)
2) meatloaf (my own recipe)
3) salisbury steak
4) teriyaki chicken
5) delicious chicken
5) curry chicken and potatoes
6) mediterranean pork chops
7) bbq pork ribs
8) pepper steak
9) beef and brocolli (first installment is in the crock pot now)

All in all I think I had approximately 17 nights off from the kitchen (a.k.a dinners).  

Since its just the hubby and I, each bag contained just enough for the two of us (and maybe a little left overs for lunch the next day).  So you'll want to make sure that all of your recipes will be enough to feed your family size.  

I'm not gonna lie, its time consuming to do all of this in one day.  But just think that if it takes you 1 hour each night to cook dinner, then 1 day of sacrifice is worth it, then you can enjoy whatever you want to during that 1 hour off from the kitchen.  (ex. spending time with the kiddies, gym time, lattes with the girls, intimate time with your husband, boob tube time, or whatever floats your boat).

I think I liked doing it and will most likely do it again.  Here are some pictures from my finished bagged products.

Have you ever freezer cooked? If not, would you try it?



Tuesday, January 1, 2013

My journey to motherhood: Prenatal

We're officially trying to conceive - (I think, lol)

I am now beginning to start this journey towards motherhood.  I think that im finally mentally ready, which hasn't been easy.  But since im 31, I figured it was time to get the mental ready, before the physical was no longer capable, lol.  So we are now trying to conceive (TTC)

I always told myself that because I grew up in a home and my husband grew up in a home, we wanted to wait till we had a house, before we had kids.  Well, we closed on the house back in September 2011, so, i have no more excuses, lol.

So, as a future mother, I want to be the perfect (ok semi-perfect), host for this lil creature, lol, so what am I doing?  Well, i've been religiously taking my pre-natal pills since September because i've been off the pill since then, and if I were to get pregnant, I am trying to knock out any chances of the child getting spina bifida, neural tube defects, or any other folic acid-deficiency related issues. My newest pre-natal pill has DHA as well, which is also good for something, im sure. :)
         s/n Walgreens has the brainstrong prenatal pills for $10 this week, with your walgreens card, and then
         you get back $10 in register rewards (or whatever their called at Walgreens), making them free.
         then they have a $4 off coupon in their vitamin and supplements booklet (right over by the vitamins)
         which makes the deal not only free, but a $4 money maker.  :)   Lets just stay, I stocked up.

I have also been juicing.  I love fresh fruit juice and am learning to love fresh vegetable juices.  I have been slacking on my pimping a lot lately, but I need to go purchase a bunch of fresh fruit and vegetables.  My church is also about to go on a fast, and so I believe that juicing during that time will be a nice detox as well.  (if i can make it pass 4 hours of juicing, lol).

I had lost over 20 pounds last year, but I found them again.  So I need to start back exercising and eating healthier.  Next topic, lol.

Then, of course, more sex :)  Seeming as we are just now starting off with TTC, and time is not of the essence just yet, I will not be using ovulation predictors/calculators etc.  I just want to enjoy the process for the time being.  Maybe if by January 2014, we still aren't pregnant, then o.k., time to look towards science, but till then, we'll just keep practicing.



Happy New Year - its 2013 BABY!

Happy New Year Everybody!

Its now 2013!  How did you bring in your New Years?  Well, this is how I brought my news year in:

I brought it in thanking God for closing out last year and for his grace and mercy allowing me to see 2013!  Hall a lu jer! (in my Madea voice)

90% of my life, I have been at watch night service for New Years Eve, the other 10% were in Vegas or at home avoiding the drunk drivers.

But 2013 is here!  What are some of your resolutions?  I am not so much of a resolutions girl, but rather a goals type of girl.  The only difference between a dream and a goal is that a goal has a deadline.  So I prefer to set goals.

This year i'm believing God for a prosperous, blessed and healthy year.  Hallelujah!

I'm so excited for the things to come.

