Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Killing Fibroids Naturally

DISCLAIMER: I AM NOT A DOCTOR, so this is only for your entertainment purposes.

So I found out that I had fibroids when I was having a Miscarriage on New Years Eve.  (I know...I have a lot to update you guys on).  I was told that I have several fibroids with the largest one being 6 cm and they are intramural.

Since then, I have gone to Google University to determine how I am going to kill these jokers naturally.  I dont particularly want to have the surgery - because everywhere I read, is that they come back....mainly because the underlying reason for them has not been addressed.

Fibroids are generally a "symptom" of your body being out of wack due to too much estrogens. Your liver is supposed to help get rid of excess hormones such as estrogens.  According to Traditional Chinese Medicine - I have cold stagnant liver qi.  So therefore, my liver is not doing a great job of getting rid of these excess hormones.  We come into contact with excess hormones all the time from environmental factors (the air, cleaning products, beauty products etc) as well as your own body producing these hormones. 

So what is my game plan?  1)Reduce the amount of excess hormones that I can (which you cant completely remove all of them, because I dont have control over external factors), 2) get my liver back to working efficiently 3) normalize my hormones and 4) use supplements to fight the existing fibroids.

1) Reduce the amount of excess hormones that I can
I am gradually moving towards more all natural products.  That means everything that I eat, clean with, and put on my body or in my home.  There are certain foods that I am not supposed to eat, and of course those are the things that we love.... dairy, pork, beef, cold foods/drinks, salad etc....I'm not 100% perfect with this, but i'm a work in progress.  I am trying to use only all natural cleaning products in my home (all purpose cleaner, laundry detergent, body wash, etc.)  So that means cutting out the el cheapo air fresheners and candles and using more scents that combine essential oils.  We have to be so careful with what we breathe... I have not totally converted over everything yet, because that gets expensive, and hubby still keeps buying the bad stuff (unknowingly).  But we are gradually working on it.

2) Get my liver back to working efficiently
You have to cleanse the liver to get it back working optimally.  I am cleansing my liver by juicing, my TCM supplements and liver cleansing tea (with of course Milk Thistle in it)  Since I have been doing this, I have noticed that my body no longer feels cold all the time like it used to.

3) Normalize my hormones
I am normalizing my hormones by taking the supplement DIM along with avoiding extra hormones in meat like Beef and Pork (and trying to eat organic chicken)

4) Using supplements to fight the existing fibroids. 
I have researched online for hours for the best supplements for me to take.  I have settled on the TCM Cinnamon & Hoelen and also Natures Fibroid Control and also the DIM.

The Nature's Fibroid control helps with balancing my hormones and also has enzymes to help kill the fibroid.

The Cinnamon & Hoelen helps to heat up my liver and also helps to destroy the fibroids.

Since I have been following this regimen (almost 2 months), My periods are bright red and have few clots and pain associated with it.  I dont get up to pee as often in the middle of the night (I think the Fibroids used to be pushing against my bladder or something).  So I think that this is working.

I will keep you guys updated on my progress of fighting these fibroids.  I actually had a doctor appointment yesterday to determine whats going on with these fibroids (since I havent seen anyone about them since NYE), but he didnt do an ultrasound (major bummer)

Anyways,  If you have any questions regarding anything that i'm doing, feel free to leave me a comment.

Love ya,



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