The Magic - By Rhonda Byrne - day 9
Rhonda Byrne instructs us on day 9 of The Magic to be a money magnet.
A lot of the times when we receive bills we tend to gripe and think bad thoughts about them. We have negative thoughts and feelings about the money that we have to use in order to pay these bills. In essence ,what we are doing is attracting more bills. If we were to be grateful for the bill, then we would be using gratitude instead of complaints which in turn would attract us more happiness, money and good feelings.
Our special practice for Day 9 was to find our bills and write on the unpaid ones "thank you for the money". For the ones that we had already paid, we were to write on them "Thank you - paid"
Lets just say I had to write a lot of "thank you for the money" lol. I shred my old bills, so I couldnt write thank you paid on any of them except my mortgage that I paid today.
Also, any time that I caught myself starting to think about a bill or something that I wanted or needed I stopped myself mid thought and said either "thank you for the money" or "GOD will provide"
Then of course we had our usual 10 things to be grateful for.
Here's what Im grateful for today:
1) I am grateful for finding a new styling product staple that will make my natural hair regiment a lil bit easier.
2) I am grateful that I made it to court on time and had no problems with my client's case.
3) I am grateful that when I got to my office i had a client their waiting to pay me in full.
4) I am grateful that I have enough money to pay my April mortgage now.
5) I am grateful that "party girl" was able to get her car wrapped and some promotional items for her business.
6) I am grateful that I was able to take a nap today.
7) I am grateful that I was able to share a funny video with my sister and make her laugh when she was having a rough day today.
8) I am grateful one of my favorite wines was on sale today.
9) I am grateful that GOD is blessing my businesses.
10) I am grateful that GOD is blessing my marriage.
What are you thankful for today? Are you reading The Magic? Have you considered buying The Magic? share your thoughts with me.
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